
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Literacy everywhere

Do you love to read?  I do.  There is nothing quite so relaxing as curling up on the couch and losing myself in a story.  I love how books feel and smell, and the places they take me.  I love learning new things from non-fiction books, love looking at books about art, poetry... I love books.  I remember learning to read with Eric Hill's Spot books, and I've never outgrown children's literature.  I have about 2500 of them, enough for a small library.

So it should come as no surprise that one of the things I love about teaching preschool and kindergarten, is seeing and helping children learn to love reading and writing too.  There is nothing quite like watching children choose to read and write!  It really doesn't matter where we are, inside or out, there are always literacy activities available.  As a teacher, I have planned and structured reading activities; teaching the children to read, reading to them, listening to stories, and of course, lots of talking!  I model writing, and help the children to write their own stories, from sounding out words to adding punctuation and details.  Still, watching the kiddos take ownership of reading and writing, choosing it when there are so many other options available, it so gratifying.  Here are a few examples from the last week...

 Forming letters and words with wiki stix...
 Writing in our journals...

Pretending to write with part of a toy that is shaped like a pencil...
 Reading to one of our mommies in the backyard...
Sounding out words...

Thank you families for sharing your children with me, and letting me be part of this special time in your child's development! 

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