
Monday, June 17, 2013

Shades of Tom Sawyer

I know I'm not the only person who ever cleaned just a teeny tiny little piece of something, only to realize that with that one clean spot, everything else looks much worse than it did when it was evenly dirty.  So it was this morning.  We played in the last of the rain, enjoying the light drizzle, searching for snails and worms and all the other little critters that come out on a rainy day, when I ran my finger over a panel of the garage door.  Yuk!  It didn't look that dirty, but my gracious, there was quite a layer of accumulated dust on there!  Stepping back, I realized it needed cleaning, and badly.  What to do?  What to do?

What else?  I filled a toy bucket with water, and got a few sponges, and went to work.  Well, water is a kid magnet, so all the little monkeys came running to beg to play in the water I mean help wash the garage door.  I held back for just long enough to make it even more enticing, then gave in, and shared the sponges.

 My goodness, were they eager!  We went through many buckets of water, and had to take turns with the sponges - kiddos were waiting for their friends to drop one, in hopes of another chance.
 Squeezing the sponges out was every bit as much fun as washing the garage door.
 Look at how hard they worked!  Then the sun came out, and it was even nicer being outside in the sunshine, playing with friends and a bucket of water.

Ta-da!  It's all clean Ms. Paula!  Oh yes, thank you for the inspiration, Tom Sawyer.  Now if only I had a fence that needed white washing....

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