
Monday, September 9, 2013

Learning about the letter B

This week we focused on the letter Bb, and if you saw the last post, you'll know we started the week by baking bread together.  Here are some of our other activities:

Bike riding

 Blowing bubbles

Baking a birthday cake

Butterfly painting

Teddy bear's picnic
It was over 100* outside, so we moved it inside this year.  The children brought their bears, and we ate bread and bologna, broccoli, bananas, and berry smoothy.  Yummy!

We are so lucky, my son plays bass, and showed us a lot of cool things about it.  We learned about the parts of the bass, heard the different pitches of the strings, and best of all, took turns touching the bass as he played the deepest notes.  We could feel it vibrating under our hands!

Baskets of beans
We finished the week off with another scorcher, and an inside afternoon, so I pulled out the baskets and beans, added some recycled containers and cardboard tubes, and the kiddos were happy and busy for an hour.

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