
Friday, February 7, 2014

It's cold and wet out, what can we do?

It's been colder than usual this week, and we haven't made it outside.  I've managed to find "new" toys several times, and of course, the box creations have kept the kiddos busy, but it was time for something special... making play dough!
You can see the recipe here, we made the kool-aid dough.  The last batch of this we made lasted for 6 months, this is a great recipe!  What's more, I goofed up and had the kiddos put all the ingredients in the pan and mix it up - and it still came out perfectly! 
The kiddos put in flour...
 mixed a little...
 then I remembered the cream of tartar...
 We liked the smell of the drink mixes I had, and pink lemonade and cherry seemed like they would go together nicely, so in they went.
 Remember me goofing up?  I forgot to have the kids add the oil, so put that in as I started to cook the dough.  This stuff is seriously goof proof!
 Isn't it pretty?  It smells wonderful too.
 Best of all was kneading warm dough on a cold afternoon.  It felt marvellous, and the kiddos enjoyed the warm squishy dough for a long time before they started playing with it.
Play dough, anyone?

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