
Monday, November 10, 2014

Closing a Chapter

Friday was our last day of school here at Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten.  This blog post is a thank you to all the families that have been a part of my school and my life, and most especially to those who helped to make Friday an incredibly special day for me.
 It started out with roses - you really cannot go wrong with starting someone's day with roses!

  In the afternoon I gave each child a small bag of toys, a field trip t-shirt, and a bag of books.  I want them to have something to remind them of their time here - something beyond all the other memories and photos.  When you are 4, "memories" don't mean as much as they do later.  Tangibles, like books and toys, were necessary.

The most rewarding and amazing part of the day was the gathering of daycare families old and new that took place over dinner.  I had no idea what to expect, and these families blew me away!  Here are "my" children that came back!
 I started Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten in 1999, when my second child was born.  C.T. started with me in 2000, the longest ago student to make it to our party!
 Here she is, long long ago!
So many old friends showed up - there were 64 people there!  I have to admit I spent a great deal of the evening crying and smiling and laughing, all at once.  I felt so loved, and so honored... words truly cannot express how much the evening meant to me.

One of the mommies - one who's child only got to be here for 2 months, put together this beautiful  good bye video  We all watched it together on Friday night, and I am not the only one who cried!

Parents, thank you again for trusting me with your precious children, and honoring me on my "retirement."  I hope to hear from you for many more years.  I haven't yet had a graduation announcement or wedding invitation from any of my kiddos, but when the time comes, please remember me!

Much love always,


  1. I have the fondest memories of those precious moms that helped me with my oldest son (now 21). He was the only of my five children that needed I be cared for away from home, and it was a huge relief to know he was loved and cared for during the day. I can see the love wafting in the pictures you shared. Precious!

    What will your retirement allow you to do? Blessings!!

  2. Hi Bekki,

    Thank you for your kind comments - yes, I have really been lucky to have worked with so many wonderful children and families, and many of them have reached out to me with love and support as I move to the next chapter in my life. The sweet people who help us to care for our children, and who share their children with us, become part of our family and part of our lives!

    Once we get settled again, I am going to put my energy into growing my Teachers Pay Teachers store:
    I love creating learning materials, and think I'm pretty creative, so this is one way that I can still impact early childhood. I want to make it easy for teachers to use developmentally appropriate practices to teach. Children respond so well to playful learning!

    Have a wonderful day!
