
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Green Beans!

Finally, today we were able to eat our very own green beans!  The kiddos helped to plant the beans way back when it was still cold out, and we've been watching as the plants have grown.  A couple of weeks ago we found flowers - and we know the reason for a flower is to make seeds.  Sure enough, when the petals dried up and fell away, there were tiny baby green beans there.  The kiddos wanted to pick them and eat them last week, but they weren't quite big enough.  Today they were! 
Look how many there were!  Of course, the best thing to do with freshly picked green beans is to eat them!  Almost everyone wanted to taste them, and then taste them again, and again.

 After everyone had eaten 3 or 4 green beans each, I suggested I would put the rest in the fridge, and we could have them with our lunch tomorrow.  One of the kiddos looked at my lap, and said, "But there's still more!"  Now that's a child who knows a good thing when she sees it!

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