
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Hi friends!

Last night I presented a training to home child care providers, called Nature Swap, Art Materials Go Green.  We had a lot of fun - I wish I'd taken my camera!  Our creative ladies used natural materials in play-dough and in paint to explore ways to use natural materials.  One of the materials I provided was home-made dough, stuff I made about 2 months ago, but it is still soft and smells lovely.  I couldn't remember the recipe I used, but I have looked it up, and here it a link to 10 edible dough recipes, including the kool-aid dough I made.

For those of you who are Pinterest-ing, I have these and many other fun ideas pinned to my 'sensory boxes' board, at  Pinterest has helped me to connect to SO many new ideas, if you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend it!

Finally, for those of you who weren't there last night, we focused on ways to help reconnect children with nature.  I hope you'll consider participating in International Mud Day, on June 29th.  My group will celebrate on Friday, June 28th - check back in early June to see pictures of us getting thoroughly muddy!  Every child needs a chance to play in the mud, and dance in the rain.  Let's provide those opportunities while they are young!  You can participate in many ways, from just barely messy, to full-fledged jump in the mud.  Check out the fun here:

Have a great day!


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