
Sunday, September 15, 2013

C is for cookie!

 Click!  On Monday we enjoyed cameras for snack.  I gave each child a graham cracker with peanut butter on it, a round cookie, and 3 candies, and they created their own camera snacks.  Of course, they had to snap a few pictures with them before eating them!
On Tuesday, I overestimated both the kiddos, and myself, with a Very Hungry Caterpillar lunch.   I thought I'd make a lunch that included lots of the foods the caterpillar ate on Saturday, the day he got a tummy ache.  We had watermelon, a slice of cheese and a slice of pepperoni (I didn't have salami, oops),  a corn bread muffin, and a variety of pickles to choose from.  The caterpillar needed one nice green leaf to make his tummy feel better, so I included a spinach leaf, and we had a very small piece of chocolate cake for dessert.  Lots of the same foods, right?  Really cute, right?  Make a lot of literacy connections, yes?   Well.  Yes.  Same foods, cute, literacy connections... but they didn't want to eat it.  The pepperoni, pickles and even the corn bread had strong flavors, and apparently a plain cheese slice isn't for eating, so the only food everyone ate was watermelon.  
 At snack time, I was much smarter, and served the fruits the caterpillar ate through during the week: apples, oranges, strawberries, pears and plums.  Every morsel of this fruit was devoured, while we listened to the story on tape, and I used my flannel board to act it out.

Here is the lower case c craft one of the kiddos made.
On Wednesday, we looked at a piece of art called Castle and Sun, by Paul Klee.  We talked about all the parts of the castle, noticed and named all the geometric shapes in the piece, talked about how we build our block castles from the bottom up, and could build our art castles that way too.  Next we set to work, building great castle art.

 Look how beautiful our art work is!  You can see all of our castles on Artsonia if you follow this link.

On Thursday we read books about cows, and made the cutest cow project, which I found here. We started by drawing flowers around the perimeter (there's that vocabulary again) of our paper with crayons.  We pushed hard, so the crayon would show through a watercolor wash really well. 

Later in the day we made some very geometric cows, reviewing lots of shape words again, while also practicing scissor and gluing skills.  Here are the cows, grazing in our fields of flowers.  You can see more of our cows on this link to Arstonia.

On Friday, we did one last exciting activity for Cc, we baked cookies.  Every child helped to put in one ingredient, and to stir the dough.  

We had warm cookies and milk for snack, and of course, bit the cookies into the shape of the letter c!

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