
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring break week

This week was spring break, so we did a little bit of everything, and had a lot of fun.  Here's a sampling.  Magnet play and exploration:

 Painting... Mondrian style.  The kiddos placed strips of black tape on their paper, then filled in the resulting rectangles with primary colors, and trimmed the tape.

 We tried a new painting technique that I saw on  I added liquid watercolors to bubbles, and the children blew them at paper on an easel.  Some of the kiddos had trouble finding the right distance from the paper to allow bubbles to form, but not get away.  We'll be trying this super cute idea again next week, when we have more friends here.  (Some of our friends were on vacation for spring break.)

 We planted more seeds in pots made from upcycled tp tubes.  When the pots were full, we put them in mini-green houses made from plastic salad containers.

 The plastic containers work beautifully to keep the moisture in the containers.  Here are cucumber seeds we started a couple of weeks ago!
 One of our friends had a birthday this week, so she chose two friends to help her make cupcakes, so we could celebrate.
 Can you tell how proud she is of her cupcakes, and how pleased she is to be celebrating?
 Of course, sometimes we just need to play and pretend.
 These kiddos were making "fire" and squirting it out with "hoses".  They also tried making hoses of specific colors, yellow for lemonade, green for limeade...
 Playing outside in the sunshine is always fun!
 We were lucky enough to have "milkshakes" for free in the backyard this week.  These blocks were just scraps of wood left over from a construction project, but at my house they are milkshakes, cell phones, computers, and anything else the children can imagine.
 Talk about imagination - these two were sure they saw alligators in the creek!
 We enjoyed a field trip to River Legacy Science Center on Friday, to see an opossum.  First we checked out the cool science learning activities in the science center.

 Then we got to visit Lucy the Opossum, right up close!
 The staff had a fun opossum craft for the kiddos to assemble afterwards.
 At the park and playground we enjoyed a picnic lunch, then played on the fantastic playground.

There is always something fun to do and to learn about!  Next week, letter Z.  Can you guess where we'll go for our field trip?

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