
Friday, March 28, 2014

We really dig D!

We really dig D.  As in really, we got to dig in dirt for the letter D review day.  It was not disgusting, dangerous or delicious, just really really dirty.

 We had a second sensory table available with diggers and dumpers in corn and seeds, and the group that played at that table created a huge road block, and then destroyed it.
Some friends were more interested in the veggie garden, where our cabbages have gone to flower.  We tasted the flowers - they are edible - and they were deliciously sweet.  As one child said, "Not sweet like a strawberry," but still quite nice.

 We read several books - if you know me, you are not surprised! - including Changes by Marjorie N. Allen, and Bumblebee, Bumblebee, Do You Know Me? by Anne Rockwell.  Both books included daffodils, which we can see blooming in the neighborhood.  I found a fun craft about daffodils on, which even included the picture to paint!  The kiddos enjoyed painting, and adding the 3D element to their pictures.  Delightful!

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