
Monday, April 14, 2014

Bluebonnets, Museum and Lots of Fun at Home

It is spring time in Texas, and the bluebonnets are in bloom.  I took 3 groups of kiddos on field trips to take photos in the flowers on the way to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  They were so sweet in their group pics!

The museum offers so many fantastic learning experiences for the kiddos. My personal favorite is the giant foam blocks.  The kiddos love the physicality of moving the huge blocks, and creating structures.  They have to think about how to fit blocks together and how to make their buildings strong.  They love looking through the holes, or filling the holes with cylinders that can attach to other blocks too.
 Of course, if you play in the foam long enough, your hair builds up a static charge.
 There's a pretend grocery store...
 Giant light play activities...
 An ambulance and hospital area...

 Cool water play...
 Things to manipulate and put together...
 And a giant train set.

At home one afternoon we were tickled to find a momma duck with 8 brand new ducklings!  We were surprised by how well they could climb up the dam, and how far from momma duck some of them ventured. (There is a creek behind my house, which we can observe through the fence.  The egrets and herons are also starting to show up again now that it isn't so cold.)

 We also enjoyed parachute and bicycle play outside, and although I didn't take photos of it, we had new Easter and spring themed learning centers inside.  I'll have to post pictures of those next time!

Happy spring!

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