
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Baking bread, blowing bubbles, and a great big bass

Today we started working on the letter B.   All the kiddos had a turn to come up and pull something out of my big black bag of b items.  

We also did our cooking project today: we baked bread!  Everyone helped to put an ingredient in the bread machine pan.

 We climbed up on a step ladder so we could watch the machine mixing the ingredients around, and then went outside for a while.
 Today's special outside activity was blowing bubbles.  On other days this week we'll bathe the baby dolls and bounce balls, but that will be a blog post for another day!

 The bread baked during nap time, and when we got up, we could smell it!  It's a huge loaf!
 We all tasted it together - and almost everyone gave it a thumbs up. 
 The bread was still warm, so the butter melted into it, and the crust was crunchy and delicious.  I wasn't the only person who went back for third servings!
 Finally, we got to see and hear - and feel an upright bass.  My son showed us the bass and the bow, and talked to us about it's deep voice.  One of the kiddos was able to come up with the word 'vibrations' to explain how it made sound!
 The kiddos were fascinated!

 Everyone that wanted to had a turn to put their hand on the bass and to feel it vibrating.  We also put our hands on our throats while we talked, and we could feel our voices vibrating too.
Tomorrow we'll do more fun things for the letter b!

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