
Friday, September 5, 2014

Finishing off the letter B week

 One of our regular weekly activities is hand or foot prints related to the letter of the week.  This week the kiddos chose between bees, butterflies and bears.  Having their hands and feet painted is a cool sensory experience, and our mommies and daddies treasure the resulting art work.  Win-win!  I also upload most of our artwork to Artsonia, a free, on-line student art gallery.

We love to take our fun and learning outside as often as possible, and this week was no exception.  To add variety to our ball play options, I set up some cardboard tubes.  In their previous lives, the tubes had carpet rolled on them.  Now we roll balls down them.

We made bubbles one day too - but not the soapy kind!  I gave the kiddos a small cup of vinegar, a bowl of baking soda, and pipettes to transfer the vinegar into the baking soda.  We started by smelling the vinegar - we talked about not mixing or smelling just anything, because some things can be dangerous, but these items aren't.

 Wow!  Look what happens!

 The children were amazed - and some of them wanted to do it over and over.  I suggested they see if they could do it at home this weekend - so if your child is wanting to make a chemical reaction this weekend, this is the one!

 We had to move on to the rest of our day... making and baking birthday cake...

We also needed the big carpet out, because I planned our Teddy Bears' Picnic for today.  Since the carpet was out, we also got out the instruments.  The kiddos made a lot of noise banging, tapping, shaking, and exploring the instruments.

When it was time for lunch, we put the instruments away, and took our teddy bears and lunch out to the carpet, and had our picnic.  We ate lots of 'b' foods: bologna on buttered bread, bananas, and 3 kinds of berries.  Yummy!


We finished Friday afternoon with the birthday cupcakes we made earlier in the day.  What a delicious ending to a fun and busy week! 
 Next week, letter C.

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