
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lowes Miniature Farm - Field Trip!

Today we had an awesome field trip! We went to Lowes Farm, just 2 miles from our school.  We had 4 wonderful family volunteers drive their children, so there was room in my van for everyone else - so we ALL got to go.
 We got to meet a lot of farm animals, starting with the babies: ducks!
 This bunny was named Cookie...she is so soft!
 We met both Wilbur and Charlotte the pigs - this is Wilbur posing with some of our friends.
 This silky is a rooster - and we heard a lot of roosters crowing, as well as the donkey braying and goats bleating.
 Peter Pan, the miniature horse, let everyone pat him too.
 Doodles the Donkey looked a lot like Peter Pan, but he sure sounded different!
 Everyone had a chance to throw feed to the chickens, turkey and peacock.
 We also fed the ducks...
 ... and the goats.  We found out that you have to hold your hands flat to feed the goats, so they can get to the food without nibbling on your fingers!

 Everyone had turns putting straw into the scarecrow, but he wasn't very scarey.
 Here we all are, eleven kiddos plus Ms. Paula and Ms. Julie.
 We played some farm games, and then finished up our farm trip with a hayride.  One of the kiddos told me the hay was itchy to sit on.
 We waved to all the parents as we drove by - the teachers were brave and went on the hayride, but our families chose to watch and take pictures.
 It was a beautiful day for a trip to the farm!  Thank you so much to the parents who drove and made it possible for us to all go, and to Mrs. Lowes for an absolutely perfect farm trip!
If you are in the DFW area, and want to share farm fun with your kiddos (field trip, birthday party, scouts or other group), please call Kathy Lowes at (817) 366-1561.  My kiddos loved it again this year, as they have for the 15 years we've been visiting.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we have!


  1. My daughter, her class as well as myself absolutely loved! Super awesome place for kids!
