
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Don't Let the Pigeon run Story Time!

Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
Guess who showed up to story time this week?!  Hot dog, Duckling friend, buses and all.  Pigeon!
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.

Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
Sometimes Pigeon is a little.... shall we say... insistent.  Apparently that is HIS hotdog!  Fortunately for Duckling, Pigeon did eventually agree to share the hotdog.

Our friends painted Pigeon handprints.
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
 They counted stars on buses (no Pigeons were permitted to drive)!
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
They even pretended to help him take a bath.  We were planning real water and washcloths outside, but the weather was a bit too cold for it, so we had nice warm bath play inside.
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.

We did venture outside for a few minutes to release our lovely butterflies.
Over the last 3 story times we've watched them grow from tiny caterpillars, to cocoons, to butterflies.
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
What an amazing metamorphosis!  Today it was time to release them.  The breeze seemed to excite our butterfly friends, but none of them ventured out of their net home until Ms. Debbie and I gently guided them out.  This one hung around behind the others, and everyone had a chance to see it up close.
Don't let the Pigeon run Story Time - ideas for extending the Mo Willems books.
It's just as well the Pigeon was inside doing fun activities, and not bothering these beauties! 

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