I've always had a few children who are fascinated by teeny tiny things, and you probably have too. There's something about looking for and playing with super small - or super large - things that seems to feed a need in children. Today I'm going to share a really inexpensive way to use things you might otherwise throw away to engage your kiddos in math.
Here's what you'll need: whole, half, or quarter sheets of white and colored paper. I used copy paper, but whatever you have around is great. You also need a stapler, scissors or a paper cutter, and tiny stickers. (Look at the stickers, you probably get them in the mail on free address labels that ask you for a donation to whichever fundraiser bought your mailing information. I get a lot of them, so I cut off the address and save the stickers. *** This part is important! Do not separate all the stickers, there need to be at least 2 of them on each piece of paper for the children to peel the stickers from the backing paper. Trust me, you don't want to deal with individual stickers. ***)
Next you'll cut the colorful and the white paper to the same size. I made full sheets, half sheets and quarter sheets - and the half and quarter sheets were some I "saved" from copier errors that didn't take up the full page.
Staple the papers into booklets, and fold them. You now have teeny tiny notebooks, which my students LOVE! You can use these just as they are - I've made these available along with pencils and magnifying glasses for outside play, and saw some amazing drawings of the tiny critters that live on our playground.
For a super simple math game with fine motor development, try offering a dice, pencil, stickers and notebook. This one was made with quarter sheets of paper, so they're very little! Just right for rolling a dice, showing the number with stickers, and writing the corresponding numeral.
Maybe your kiddos are ready for some early addition practice. Use two dice, and a slightly larger notebook. (I used a half sheet of paper notebook.)
The notebook I made with a full sheet of paper is great for larger stickers, or more information. Here I'm using it for basic addition sentences.
Have you used tiny notebooks or address label stickers with your children? I'd love to hear of other uses - share your tips and tricks in the comments!
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