From classroom organization to first day of school activities, this collection of blog posts will set you up for back-to-school success. There's something for everyone PreK - middle school. So without further ado, here are a few of my favorite teacher blog posts (labeled by grade) to help set you up for success in the coming school year!
Prek - 3rd Grade
Read all about creating a life long love for reading within each of our students in My Favorite Way to Increase Reading Engagement by Paula Beckerman from Paula's Primary Classroom. She says, "After 25 years of teaching early childhood, I haven't found any magic tricks that always work for everyone, each child is unique after all! There is, however, something that has served me incredibly well, year after year." Find out what it is HERE!
K - 6th Grade

2nd - 5th Grade

Kelly Malloy from An Apple for the Teacher is full of classroom design inspiration! She offers multiple pictures of her classroom throughout the years. Her latest post, My Students Are Amazing, offers a peek at her classroom door display for September. Hint**There's a freebie in this post!
K - Middle School

1st - 8th Grade

Thanks for checking out the list of our favorite back-to-school posts. I'd love to hear your tips for a smooth year in the comments below!